PACE urged the Venice Commission to assess the amendments to Azerbaijani Constitution

On Monday the PACE Bureau  at a meeting in Paris decided to appeal to the Venice Commission to assess the amendments to the Azerbaijani Constitution to be discussed at a referendum on September 26, according to the PACE report. When exactly the Venice Commission will assess compliance with amendments to international standards, is unknown. However, sources in the PACE told Turan that in Strasbourg will be  set up a commission with the participation of representatives of the main political groups and PACE rapporteurs to assess the situation on this issue.

The government of Azerbaijan refused to submit to the Venice Commission the draft amendments to evaluate, without explanation. But we invited the PACE mission to observe the referendum. Local and international democratic community appreciated the amendments, as reactionary and forming neo-monarchy regime in the country. Moreover, the amendments have been presented without any public debate and proposed changes go against the Constitution.

Thus, under the amendments  the president of the country   gets  the right to hold early presidential elections in the state, the dissolution of parliament, the removal of restrictions on the age of the candidate for presidency from the current 35 years, and 25 years for candidates for members of parliament.

Observers and experts in Azerbaijan have no doubt that Ilham Aliyev is going to appoint the vice-presidents from  someone  of his  family members, and in the future to transfer power to his  son. -02В-

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