On Friday afternoon the trial in the case of former Health Minister, Ali Insanov continued. He refused to appear in the hall because of a violation of his rights.
The judge said that the trial could continue without him, and gave the floor to the prosecutor.
The state prosecutor said that during the trial evidence of Insanov's guilt were not refuted, he asked that the previous sentence of condemning Insanov to 11 years in prison be kept in force.
As for the execution of the decision of the Strasbourg Court on the violation of Insanov's right on the prohibition of torture, the prosecutor stated that the decision of the Supreme Court restored the right of Insanov to appeal, and it was considered.
Lawyers said that Insanov's guilt was not proven, moreover, he was deprived of the opportunity to defend his rights, was kept in the "glass cell", and the judge periodically deprived him of speaking.-03C06-
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Baku/21.02.14/Turan : The trial of Ali Insanov each time passes in a setting which minimize the opportunity for the defendant to appeal to journalists and other observers .
Previously, if Insanov, entered the room early, he could address the audience. On 21st February he was deprived of this opportunity.
Before the meeting all the journalists, members of the public and even foreign diplomats were brought to a closed prosecutor's room. They were held there for 45 minutes and then one by one they were allowed to pass into the hall, where Insanov was already sitting in the "glass cell".
Guards were lined up in front of him to limit the visibility. When he began to speak, the guards sneezed loudly. In the hall Insanov was guarded by 21 people.
The judge warned the lawyer Shahverdi Agaveyis for being late and did not let him into the hall.
Further testimony was given by the head of the Ministry of Economy, Samir Veliyev and the former head of the financial management of the ministry Rustam Aslanov.
They signed acts on the verification of the legality of privatization objects in the MOH with reservations that they are not relevant to the evaluation of these enterprises, and the Privatization Department subordinated to the minister engaged in that.
Insanov asked how the head of the financial department could have no information on the income from privatization.
Insanov further said that the treasury received 500 million manat from privatization, but the fate of 30 billion manat was unclear. However, the judge immediately turned off the microphone.
He warned Insanov that if he did not speak on the subject in hand, he would be removed from the trial and the trial would be conducted without him.
The counsel pointed to the violation of Insanov's right to legal defense. However, the judge accused the lawyer of "playing tricks with the audience."
The counsel and Insanov further petitioned for the head of the State Committee of Property Kerem Hasanov, the Minister of Health Oktay Shiraliyev, the head of the State Commission on Student Admission Maleyka Abbaszadeh, and the head of a department in the Presidential Administration Fatma Abdullazadeh to be subpoenad.
Insanov noted that objects of MOH were sold by Hasanov and Shiraliyev transferred money for the publication of his book. "I was accused of financing the publication of the book. But some of the money was paid by Shiraliyev.
Abbaszadeh told media that she wrote me a certificate. So let her come and say what certificate it is," said Insanov.
Insanov also requested the Ministry of National Security to explain what happened to the gold ingots "found" in his house and shown on television. "Or maybe Ilham Aliyev took them himself," said Insanov and at this point the judge once again turned off his microphone.
The judge said that the records do not mention anything about gold bars, and again warned Insanov that he may be removed from the trial.
Next Insanov said that the record of his first interrogation disappeared - there he was declared guilty of a coup attempt.
He noted that only 1.5 years later, he was charged with economic crimes and he has been detained all this time for no reason, which was confirmed by the European Court of Human Rights.
The lawyers noted that in the first sentence the records and the testimony of witnesses were falsified.
Insanov reiterated that he was arrested by the order of President Ilham Aliyev.
The judge stated that the judicial investigation is completed and after the break the prosecutor will speak.
Re-investigation is to be conducted in connection with the fact that the European Court of Human Rights on 14th March, 2013 adopted a resolution on the violation of Insanov's human rights. Pursuant to the decision of the ECHR, the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Azerbaijan, on 15th November, 2013 sent the case back to the Court of Appeal.
Insanov was arrested in October 2005 on charges of attempting a coup.
In April 2007, he was sentenced to 11 years in prison on charges of accepting bribes, abuse of power, and committing a number of economic crimes. Insanov was later recognized a political prisoner by human right advocacy organizations. -06D-
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