Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/18.05.21/Turan: The situation in the Georgian district center of Dmanisi is stable at the moment, but additional police forces remain there to control the situation. This was reported by Sputnik-Georgia, citing the Georgian Internal  Affairs Ministry.

Mass clashes in Dmanisi between ethnic Azerbaijanis and eco-migrants from Svaneti lasted almost a day. The parties were reconciled with the intervention of the local and central authorities, as well as representatives of the clergy. An investigation has been launched. Interrogation of the participants in the incident continues.

According to Internal Affairs Minister Vakhtang Gomelauri, there are casualties, but there are no serious injuries to either police officers or participants in the incident. According to unofficial data, there are 8 detainees.

The Ministry of Reconciliation and Civil Equality pleased with the fact that the incident is over and expressed hope that Georgian citizens, regardless of their ethnic origin, are aware of their responsibility to preserve the peaceful environment of the country.

Eastern Georgia Mufti Etibar Eminov, after meeting with the opposing sides, noted that they had concluded a truce and that the conflict would not continue.

The riots in Dmanisi began on Sunday evening. The conflict between ethnic Azerbaijanis and eco-migrants from Svaneti in Dmanisi, which then turned into a bloody showdown with sticks and stones. The reason for the conflict was the demand of the Svanis to give them beer for free. After the refusal of the Azerbaijani shop owner, the Svanis attacked him and destroyed the shop. - 02V-


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