A joint operation of the Border Service and the State Security Service against smugglers

A joint operation of the Border Service and the State Security Service against smugglers

During the joint operation of the State Border Service and the State Security Service, members of an organized group of smugglers who tried to cross the state border by sea were detained. According to the State Border Service of Azerbaijan, on June 25 at 00:17, the Coast Guard spotted two boats moving by sea in the direction of the village of Shorabad in the Khizi district.

The border ship began to chase the intruders. During the chase in the northern part of the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea at 02:48, border guards used weapons after the violators refused to stop. As a result, one of the boats with two crew members and one of the crew members of the second boat were detained, and the second was missing. The injured violators were taken ashore and evacuated to a medical facility.

The detainees turned out to be Iranians, Behman Kasim, born in 1984, Nuri Nurmammad Bahramhalid, born in 1983, and Rahim Ounek Anna, born in 1984. It has been established that they illegally crossed the state border by sea to smuggle drugs into Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijanis were also detained: Aliev Elkhan Nadir oglu, born in 1982 and Mammadova Esmira Gulaga kyzy, born in 1976, who arrived on the coast to meet Iranian smugglers.

Border ships and divers are searching for another missing border violator, Iranian citizen Hamid Vakili, born in 1985, as well as physical evidence thrown into the sea. Investigative activities are continuing in conjunction with the Prosecutor General's Office, the report says.


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