Aflatun Amashov promised assistance in solving the "Azadlig" problems

On September 6 the Press Council chairman Aflatun Amashov met with the leadership of "Azadlig" newspaper. The meeting discussed the financial problems of the newspaper, Amashov  said in an interview with Turan. According to him, the management of the newspaper, it was recommended to solve the "procedural issues" related to the bank's signature to withdraw money from the account.

"If you then have a problem, we try to help,"  Amashov said. According to him, the reasons that gave rise to the debts of the newspaper,  were not discussed at the meeting.

The main cause of debt is  the refusal of "Gasid", the state firm to disseminate print, to pay 70 thousand manats owned  by the newspaper. Neither the authorities, nor the Press Council  react to numerous protests and demands of the editorial board.

After the financial director of the newspaper Faig Amirov was arrested, the editors can not take from my account  the last 5.000 manats to pay the publisher. Attempts to transfer  the right of signature to another bank  block notary organs.-05B-

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