Azerbaijan to build a sports complex in Moldova in exchange for weightlifter

 Baku and Kishinev  signed  original deal with the London Olympic medalist Kristina Iovu.  In exchange for  their athlete, whom Azerbaijan lured for money,  Azerbaijan will build  the  most modern sports complex in Moldova, said

The young weightlifter at the beginning of the new year went to the training camp in Azerbaijan and has not returned. According to media,  Baku  made her a tempting offer - a million euros. And  she apparently agreed to change  her citizenship, and therefore, the country for which will act in the future.

This was confirmed  her coach Sergei Cretzu: " That is why Christine  went to Azerbaijan to assess the situation on the  scene, said the coach.  You know, in Azerbaijan, which has oil, 30 Olympic venues, and  no one in Moldova! And financial conditions for the athletes are  much more attractive  there."

The Weightlifting Federation of Moldova  also did not conceal pessimism. "I spoke with  Christine about  several time, but  I could not make her change her mind, apparently. We can afford to pay only 10,000 lei (about 620 euros. - Ed .), and  Azerbaijan  offers 10,000 euros! Athletes’ period is short, and  probably Christina understands it.  It is a pity that medals go  away from Moldova ... "

The border police also joined  the  indignation expressed  by the NOC  of Moldova.  According to local media, this athlete serves for this structure, has the rank of ensign and receives a monthly stipend.

Now she  is suspected of "desertion",  stated the same NOC. " She serves  for the border police. We want to know: Does she left  or deserted, whether the law  is enforced? said angrily  the NOC president Nicolae Zhuravskii. - She  is a military servant. She has no right to stay in another country in violation of the law are overseas". He also threatened  that if in the near future  she  does not return,  she will be  searched by  Interpol," wrote

Meanwhile, in the Weightlifting Federation of Moldova states that the solution to the conflict  has been found. Allegedly in exchange for  the moving of the  athletes, Azerbaijan will build a sports complex in Moldova with "the most modern equipment." "The issue will be resolved in this way,"  said Sergey Donetz,  Federation Secretary.

In the evening on February 21 it was announced that an internal investigation, conducted  by the police against Christina Iovu,  was discontinued (according to other sources - suspended). As it turned out,  the athlete took vacation at her own expense till the end of February - with the subsequent dismissal.  She was going to resign form the border police, according to the submitted application, from 1 March. Moldovan Interior Ministry in this regard stated that  she will not been attracted to justice. 

At the 2012 Olympics, Iovu won in the weight category up to 53 kg, gaining 219 kg . Her reward, according to the "Kommersant-MD", was the first Olympic medal in the history of women's weightlifting  of Moldova.

The athlete  was paid 80,000 euro bonus, given the car, and the Prime Minister of Moldova Vlad Filat gave her the keys to a two-bedroom apartment in Kishinev. Until now,  the Olympic medalist lived in a dormitory with her mother and sister.

Yet it is unclear why you need the Weightlifting Federation of Azerbaijan, whose president is an oligarch, president  of the air concern  of  AZAL, Cahangir Askerov, and  pays great  the fee and build  a stunning Olympic Centre in Moldova?

A track record of achievements of 21-year-old Iovy  is not as high - European champion and bronze medalist. And it is not clear which funds will be paid this whim?—0—


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