Bayram Mammadov: I was arrested for the slogan on the monument to Heydar Aliyev

“If I keep silence" my “big brother” may think that I am afraid," said today at the trial the activist of NIDA Bayram Mammadov, hinting on the Orwellian dictator. "I know that you, like a judge Enver Seidov, who condemned Giyas Ibrahimov, will make the same decision,"  he said, referring to the judge Eynulla Valiyev. "The Court is a body of executive power, and you follow their instructions,” Mammadov said and it caused irritation of the judge. "I do not consider myself guilty to the charges. The reason for my arrest  is  the inscription "Happy slaves!" on the pedestal of the monument of Heydar Aliyev. The purpose of this action was to protest against injustice," said Mamedov. "In prison I am often asked the question: would I do that on the monument to my father? I feel  that I made angry  "a big brother",  Mamedov commented ironically.

Another reason for the inscription on the monument Mamedov called the inaction of the opposition. "We had to do something to liven up the situation, we  need a catalyst and this effect has been made,"  said the activist, again causing irritation of the judge. Next, the defendant said that he was detained by 7-8 people in the village of Sabunchu. "They put me in a white "Jeep" and began beating him. Then  they beat him for  an hour and a half  in the Sabunchu police, then beat in the Baku police, and in prison  of Narimanov police  workers of  security beat him, tied his hands to the table. "In the presence of my parents I did not want to talk in detail about the torture, but under pressure, I was ready to admit not only drugs, but also terrorism, murder. So, I was tortured with electric shocks and threatened to throw invaded the floor, and so forth," Mammadov said, rejecting the testimony given under torture. According to him, the drugs were planted him in the Metropolitan Police. Then he was taken home, and  they put a package behind a laptop. The indictment alleges that Mammadov bought drugs  5-6 months ago from  an unidentified person for  selling, however  it is not said  how  there  appeared 1 kilo and 152 gram of heroin, said the defendant.

The prosecutor Ramin Nagdaliyev said that Mamedov’s torture were not been confirmed. However, Mammadov rolled up his sleeves and showed bruisies. On noted that the representative of the Ombudsman photographed his face with signs of violence, but then said that traces of torture were not seen. However, UN officials have recorded the fact of torture, the defendant said. Lawyer Elchin Sadigov noted that Mammadov was detained at 15.00, but the detention protocol was drawn up only at 23.30. Mammadov said that all this time he was beaten. Acting as witnesses, police officers denied torture. "Bayram Mammadov was arrested on the basis of operative information. He pulled out of his pants pocket-like a substance like the drug,  presented to the police, and said that part of the drug was at his home. During the inspection of the apartment he himself  took out of the laptop  the substance similar to drugs and submitted it to the police," said the Head Police Department of Baku Shirali Babayev. Witnesses said that they were not there at the time of detention, and the judge began to prompt them answers. This aroused the indignation of the defendant, and the judge said that he could hold a trial and without his participation. The  trial will continue on November 24 at 14:30.

Giyas Ibrahimov and Bayram Mammadov were arrested May 10 on charges of drug trafficking. However, they stated that the real reason for their arrest became graffiti on the monument to Heydar Aliyev: "Congratulations on the slaves!" and "Down with the system!". The organization Amnesty International recognized the activists "prisoners of conscience". Ibrahimov on October 25, was sentenced to 10 years in prison.- 03C-

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