Cold weather will continue three days more

Cold weather in  Baku and Absheron will continue  three days more. 

Changes in temperature and pressure will have a negative impact on the meteo-sensitive people, according to weather forecasters.

At night of April 19 short rains are expected,  and  weak north wind. The temperature will drop to +4 +9 C at night, and 10 +15 in the daytime. Similar weather will be in the  regions of the country with precipitation, sometimes intense. The mountains will be frozen.  It snowed last day in the mountains: in Altiagac snow depth was 5 cm, Dashkesen, Gedabey - 2cm. , in  Naftalan and Ajikend - 1 cm.

Currently, the air temperature in Baku  is below the average daily rate by three-four degrees. -03D-  


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