Criminal Case against KANAL 13 Reporter Filed in Barda

An employee of Internet TV KANAL 13 Teymur Kerimov was detained on November 24 in the village of IDPs in the Barda region.

It happened at the time of his preparing a video report about the problem with the water supply for the residents.

As the reporter told Turan, at the time of their talk with people, they were approached by an unknown man, who demanded to stop communicating with the "opposition journalist" and "not to criticize the government."

The man then walked to the journalist and began to insult and push him. Soon the police came, which delayed the reporter and delivered to the police station.

"Soon there appeared the man, saying that I insulted and beat him. At the same time, employees of the local municipality and the local Directorate for Refugees began to give false evidence against me.

The police opened a criminal case under article Beating. “I was caused to write an explanation, and they destroyed all the surveys and interviews in my camera,” said the reporter.

The journalist reported that they held more than 10 hours - until 23:30.

In turn, the duty of Barda Police Department told Turan IA that ‘no one offended the journalist. He was taken to the department legally, and released after giving written explanations.’ He refused to answer the question whether a criminal case was filed against the reporter.

Recall that KANAL 13 works from 2008 at the website. It produces news and programs on sociopolitical issues. The Executive Director of KANAL 13 Aziz Orujov described the incident as pressure on Karimov. “I believe this is just pressure on KANAL 13. We will use all legal means to protect the rights of our employee,” he said to Turan IA. -03B06 / 05-

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