Media Review for March 3

Ensuring food security, the likelihood of the impact of global economic processes on Azerbaijan, the principle of the authorities not to back down, and the impact on panic are the topics of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes that the main condition for food security is an increase in local production. Since 2001, state programs, road maps, and the Food Safety Agency have been implemented in Azerbaijan.

Thanks to measures to increase agricultural production, the need for food in some areas is satisfied by 87-90%, and in others completely.

In 2019, compared with 2018, agricultural production increased by 7.2%, including in livestock - by 3.5%, in crop production - by 11.7%.

The site Azadliqinfo discusses the position of the authorities - “not to retreat” and the consequences of this policy. Nevertheless, the youth’s activity and principled position oppose the position of the authorities.

Thousands of trolls, repressions against the media and political activists could not change public opinion in favor of the authorities.

The website is discussing with an expert Samir Aliyev a drop in oil prices due to the coronavirus. The expert notes that the devaluation of 2015 could be repeated. He also notes that on March 4, 2020, the term for full deposit insurance ended. The expert considers it important to extend this period for another year. The expert also notes that in connection with the coronavirus, oil on the world market fell from 68 to 51 dollars. If the problem with the virus is not resolved, the price of oil will fall. For oil-dependent Azerbaijan, this is undesirable, as the 2015 crisis situation could be repeated.

The website discusses the situation with the manat with an expert Gubad Ibadoglu. In view of the current economic situation, it will be increasingly difficult to maintain the manat rate. Against the background of weakening foreign trade, a decrease in foreign exchange earnings, another devaluation is very likely, the expert said.

The website Mü is worried about the mental state of the country's citizens in connection with the coronavirus. The author notes that in any extreme situation one cannot panic and succumb to provocations.


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