Media Review July 1, 2019

A look at street trading, the next steps expected in the social sphere, and discussions around the Marathon of Solidarity are the topics of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes that, moving away from the city center at a distance of 4-5 streets, it seems that you are entering a collective farm market. Wherever you go, what yard you enter, everywhere boxes with goods rise like pyramids. Although we switched to a market economy, it was not possible to get away from market thinking.

Fruits and vegetables sold on the street create unsanitary conditions. The author believes that the relevant structures should more responsibly relate to their duties and not allow this.

The newspaper Yeni Musavat, together with expert Vugar Bayramov, discusses what measures are necessary to continue the package of social reforms. According to the expert, "child benefits" should be increased and preferential prices for electricity should be applied.

The expert proposes to divide the children into 3 groups, and give money to children up to 17 years old.

According to the expert Natig Jafarli, on the agenda is the question of raising the minimum consumer basket, and then the subsistence minimum.

The website writes about the Solidarity Marathon and police intervention. The author considers the fine against political activists illegal. By the way, the total amount of fines is over 10 thousand manat. The author further talks about police intervention in the charity marathon, calling it another show and criticizing the authorities for it.

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