Mother of the arrested Taleh Hasmamedov states about serious health of her son

 The health of the arrested human rights activist Taleh Hasmamedov, who is in the hospital  of the Ministry of Justice is very serious, said Gulbuta Hasmamedova, mother of the arrested  after she visited her son in the prison hospital. She has confirmed that her son was on hunger strike for 10 days, and cut his wrists in protest against unlawful arrest.

According to Hasmamedova, her son complained of inhuman treatment. So, from the moment of detention (20 days), he was not passed food from home, medicine, and was not provided with doctor. He was in the clothes in which he was wearing when he was detained, and not passed on clean clothes. T.Hasmamedov was never allowed to take a bath, and was not allowed to call home. In Ganja jail Hasmamedov was placed in a cell with mentally appropriate people. Ten days ago, he started a hunger strike, and was taken to a psychiatric hospital in Mashtaga. There he himself cut a vein, and two days ago he was hospitalized in a medical institution Ministry of Justice.

According to mother, only there they began to treat him well, especially after the media wrote that he cut his veins.

Hasmamedov did not eat for 10 days, and only yesterday ate some wafers, and began cramping in his arms and legs. During the days of hunger strike they were not interested and did not call the doctor.

Mother requests from the public and the state   the release of her son under house arrest. Today Thaleh  handed over a letter to his mother addressed to the Alliance "Azerbaijan without political prisoners", which asks for help. Turan was the head of the public alliance "Azerbaijan without political prisoners" Oktay Gyulalyev.

* T.Hasmamedov was arrested on February 24 on charges of disorderly conduct and arrested. The  Prison Service refused to comment, but in the Main Medical Department of Justice for comment failed.

Hasmamedov is a known human rights work in Goychay-Ujar region, and criticized local authorities in facebook. Previously, he was involved and was convicted of human rights work, but two years ago he was pardoned. —06B-

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