Press Review 01/17/2017

The creation of a legal framework for economic reforms in the country, the problems in the land market, the rise in prices of foods in January, and the staff reduction in the railways are the leading topics of today's press.

The Azerbaijan paper writes about the creation of a legal framework for economic reforms. At the beginning of 2016 the non-oil sector reform program was launched to improve the legislative framework, which has become a guarantee of reform.

Echo has published an article about the collapse of a land market in the country. Due to the rise in prices for building materials, construction of houses is very expensive, so decline is observed. In 2016 the value of land fell by 10%. In the past year, housing construction became expensive, leading to a loss of interest.

Yeni Musavat writes that at the beginning of the year food went up by 10-30%. The expert Gubad Ibadoglu believes the rise in prices is due to the conservation of monopoly. In addition, changes in the law in connection with the tax and banking systems set the stage for the rise in prices.

Bizim Yol writes about staff reductions in CJSC Azerbaijani Railways and in the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, where employees are offered voluntary redundancy.

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