Press Review 08/18/2016

The role of Azerbaijan in the region, the mortality rate among soldiers, the ecological situation in Absheron, and the decline of production are the leading topics of today's press.

The official Azerbaijan newspaper writes about the country's stabilizing role in the region. The author considers Azerbaijan a model country in terms of legal and democratic state with a developed civil society.

Today, one of the main objectives is forming a diversified economy and improving the welfare of the population. The author cites figures showing that in the first half of 2016 there was growth by 2.4% in the non-oil sector and 3.1% in the agriculture. 78,000 new jobs were created and the economy of the country was invested 6.3 billion dollars. Despite the global crisis, Azerbaijan's macroeconomic stability is ensured, the article says.

Azadlig has published an article in which Pasha Pashayev, the father of 18-year-old soldier Parviz Pashayev, claims that his son was murdered and thrown into a canal. It happened on July 30 at the 9th month of his service. The Ministry of Defense, according to the soldier’s father, informed him that his son fell into a canal and died. The father claims that his son's body has traces of beating and strangulation marks on the neck. The soldier served in a military unit in Beylagan. A week before his death, he often called home and asked for money. “During the last three weeks, I sent him money,” said the father. He claims that his son was tortured and extorted money. According to the father, a criminal case has been filed under article 342.2 (negligent attitude to service in combat conditions) and charges have been brought against a warrant officer and a soldier. The examination, according to the father, proved that his son was killed. The father demands punishment of the perpetrators.

Echo has published an article titled Project to Clean up Lakes in Absheron Collapsed? The article says about the environmental situation in Absheron. According to the source, who requested anonymity, Azerbaijan has suspended the project to clean up four lakes of Absheron (Girmizi Gol, Ag Gol and two others). The reason is simple - lack of finance from the state in connection with the crisis.

The project worth 250 million USD was to be implemented by the Dutch. Absheron is dotted with small lakes, many of which are contaminated. Near the lakes there are a lot of residential areas, and people living there are at risk.

The World Bank (WB) will help clean up and rehabilitate the lakes; the corresponding project will be discussed at the World Bank's Board of Directors on July 18, 2017. The estimated cost of the project is $ 100 million, of which $85 million is to come from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), which is part of the WB, and 15 million USD is to come from the government of Azerbaijan.

The project will cover four lakes located in the south-west of Baku, Khojasan, Lokbatan, Girmizi and Gu.

Overall, on the peninsula there are more than 250 lakes, and if you add small ponds, salt marshes and others, it turns out that at present the peninsula has about 800 manmade reservoirs.

Novoye Vremya has published an article entitled Main Task of Cabinet Is to Stop Decline in Production. The State Statistics Committee yesterday released data on GDP downturn in the economy. During the seven months of this year the volume of GDP amounted to 32 billion 122.6 million manats, which is 3% less than in the comparable period of 2015. This is due to the decrease in the output in the construction industry by 30.7%, the State Statistics Committee said.

The non-oil sector’s share accounts for 64.8% of GDP. At the same time, the non-oil sector fell by 5.4%.

GDP per capita in dollar terms amounted to $ 2,155.2. This is two times less than in January-July, 2014.

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