Press Review 08/29/2016

The official newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the territorial, geo-strategic and geo-economic advantages of Azerbaijan and the successful development of the country during the 13 years of President Ilham Aliyev’s rule.

The author also relates to the measures taken in the area of ​​foreign policy in the last seven months of 2016. He talks about the meetings of Ilham Aliyev at the highest international level - 13 visits to 10 countries, and his participation in seven international meetings.

Yeni Musavat writes that opposition members talk about the work done by Vasif Talybov in Nakhchivan for the development of the region. They mean the cleanliness and order that reign in Nakhchivan.

In particular, the newspaper cites the opinion of Aghil Samadbayli who writes on social networks about the order created by Talybov.

The situation in Nakhchivan also surprises the lawyer Namizad Safarov and the human rights activist Novella Jafaroglu. She also regards the human rights situation in Nakhchivan, from where people are fleeing because of non-observance of their rights and freedoms.

The electronic version of Azadlig has published a letter from the mother of a martyr to the President. Zarifa Aslanova living in Sumgait lost her son in the Karabakh war. Now she has the younger son, but the living conditions are too hard and unbearable. The woman asked the President to help her remaining son to get a job. She does not wish to receive unemployment benefits, because he has three children and no money to get a good job by giving a bribe.

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