Press Review 09/16/15

Official newspapers give coverage of the visit of the Czech President Milos Zeman to Baku.

The newspaper Azerbaijan publishes anti-American and anti-European materials.

Azadlyg writes about the suicide of a 12-year-old schoolboy Ismet Asadov due to the fact that he was not bought a school bag and a new shirt.

US Ambassador to OSCE Daniel Bayer believes that the main obstacle to closer cooperation of the United States with Azerbaijan is the failure of Azerbaijan to assume obligations on human rights and freedom of speech.

The British magazine The Economist published a report on the index of democracy, according to which Azerbaijan ranks 148 among 167 countries.

Echo writes that the sale of travel packages has decreased by 80%, therefore tourist operators in Azerbaijan are facing a crisis.

Bizim Yol writes that the special parking areas for cars arriving from the regions are still not ready. However, non-resident cars are not allowed to the capital.

Yeni Musavat reports on the warning of the disgraced diplomat Arif Mammadov as saying that several more diplomats of Azerbaijan will request political asylum abroad.

A high school in the Padar village of the Oguz district came to the state of emergency after the earthquake, so 300 students cannot start their studies.

Residents of the provinces are indignant that their cars are not allowed to the capital. They reasonably wonder if they are not citizens of Azerbaijan.

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