Press Review 10.03.2017

Azerbaijan's efforts to strengthen the unity of the Islamic nations, the external debts of the current government, the rise in price of food products, and cases of suffocation from carbon monoxide are the leading topics of today's press.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the need to develop a dialogue between civilizations and religious tolerance. The author reminds that this year in Azerbaijan is declared the year of Islamic solidarity.

The website writes about the external debt of the country. While in 1994 there were 9 dollars of external debt per capita, then in 2017 this figure is already 737 dollars. In other words, after 23 years, the foreign debt increased 80 times.

Echo published an article titled "Azerbaijan is advised to freeze prices for a number of food products." In 2016, the average annual inflation in Azerbaijan was 10.8 times higher than in Europe. Prices for food are skyrocketing. Some states in such situations set fixed prices for a number of essential food products.

Azerbaijan needs this, because poor citizens cannot afford even basic necessities. Last year, every resident of the country spent 130.3 manats a month on food, beverages and tobacco products, and another 130.7 manats on non-food products.

Novoye Vremya writes about the victims of carbon monoxide, the number of which is several dozens around the country annually, and several hundred people are taken to hospitals with poisoning.

Official structures, that is the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Azerigaz, repeat the same from year to year: the people themselves are to blame. The problem is in the violation of safety in the operation of gas appliances and the need to clean the chimneys.  –0----

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