Press Review 12-13.05.13


Official newspapers write about the economic development of the country, and continue to denounce the radical opposition.


Azadlig has published photos of 20 prisoners of conscience, demanding their release.


The newspaper writes about the inside struggle of the power, and the head of the State Property Committee Karam Hasanov, taking control of the Land Committee.


Foreign press continues to criticize the Aliyev regime, as well as former Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich, to lobby the Aliyev rule.


Experts regard Ilham Aliyev's intention to introduce amendments to the law "On the status of ex-presidents", increasing their powers, as a probability of departure of the head of state from his post.


President Obama has called on the U.S. Supreme Court not to address the issue of the "Armenian genocide", for which he was criticized by the Armenians.


Since the signing of the Armenian-Azerbaijani agreement on ceasefire on May 12, 1994, the Azerbaijani side has lost more than six thousand soldiers.


The newspaper goes on to write about the elimination of the consequences of the earthquake in Gakh-Zakatala, where 420 million manat has already been spent from the state budget.


The lawyer Gurban Mammadov called the Bar relic of the communist regime. This statement was made in connection with the exception of the lawyer Aslan Ismayilov from the Bar.


Yeni Musavat writes that in the near future the Head of Azerigas, Akbar Hajiyev be released, and the staff of Nakhchivan origin will be dismissed.


The country's leadership has been submitted information about the secret activities of the mayor of Ganja Elmar Valiyev and that the pre-election situation in the city is not in favor of the current government.

In Baku there has been prohibited publication of the newspaper Diplomat printed in the Kurdish language.

 The construction company Fateh-N has stopped home construction halfway and the management of the company has disappeared. The depositors, who have not received their money back, have staged a protest.


Baki Khabar

In Kiev, a group of Armenians attacked the Azerbaijani businessman Elshan Azimov, and caused him injury.


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