R. Jalilov: Charges of Treason Against Hilal Mamedov Absurd


Accusations of treason against the editor of Tolyshi Sado, Hilal Mamedov, are absurd, said the co-chair of the Committee for Protection of Mamedov’s Rights, Rafiq Jalilov.

    "The new charges of treason and inciting ethnic hatred, along with the storage of drugs, are absurd," he said. Jalilov also expressed surprise that the accusation of treason is brought by the district police inspector, although it’s a prerogative of the Ministry of National Security. 

    According to him, in the course of the “drug case” investigation, an investigator of the Nizami District Police Office of Baku suddenly found that Mamedov "committed treason" and that it came from his "relations with Russia and Iran."

    “That's ridiculous, because half the citizens of Azerbaijan have relations in Iran and Russia,” said Jalilov.

    As for incitement of ethnic hatred, it is not clear, Jalilov said. Mamedov has never incited ethnic hatred.  On the contrary, he has always stood for the brotherhood of nations, and defended the rights of all citizens of Azerbaijan, regardless of their nationality. -06B-


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