"Reallıq TV" goes on the Internet broadcast

Baku/03.03.21/Turan: Former political prisoner, website editor Realliq.info Ikram Rahimov has launched a new project "Reallıq TV" in the format of Internet television.

"We are seeing an increase in audience interest in visual products on the Internet web, and therefore along with the current online media Realliq.info We decided to launch our own TV shows," Rahimov told Turan news agency.

The new TV will be broadcast twice a day, covering important events of domestic and international life.

Rahimov was arrested in October 2018 after the publication of an open letter criticizing Ali Hasanov, the then assistant to the head of state.

On June 12, 2018, he was sentenced to 5.5 years in prison. In protest, he went on a hunger strike, which ended on the 30th day - September 5.

On September 18, the Court of Appeal  applying Article 62 of the Criminal Code (the appointment of a lesser punishment prescribed by law), reduced the term of imprisonment to 3 years. A number of international journalistic organizations condemned conviction of Rahimov.-0-


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