Religious Oruj Fasting Started

Baku / 17.05.18 / Turan: The month of Ramadan, which is sacred in the Islamic religion, in accordance with the Fatwa of the Caucasus Muslims Office began in Azerbaijan on May 17.

In the month of Ramadan, believers hold fasting - Oruj. It is believed that the rejection of food and water in the daytime is a charitable act.

In the current spring-summer time, Oruj continues for 16 hours. During this time, it is prescribed to abstain from eating food, drinking water and having sexual contacts. Observance of fasting has the purpose to win the favor of the Almighty.

The Koran was revealed in the month of Ramadan. On the occasion of the completion of Ramadan, it is customary to give the donation of Fitr to the needy. This year, its size, according to the decision of the CMO Qadi Council, will be 5-10 manat per person.

Ramadan ends on June 15.

On this occasion, the government announced June 15 and 16 as holiday and non-working days. Since June 15 is also the National Rescue Day, and June 16 is Saturday, the next working days will be days off on June 18 and 19. Thus, in mid-June, residents of Azerbaijan will have five consecutive days off. -06D--

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