Baku/24.12.13/Turan : Conference on " Lake Urmia - pain of Azerbaijan " was held in the hotel Ambassador, organized by the National Liberation Front of South Azerbaijan (NLFSA).
At the beginning of the event was a documentary about the plight ecological status of the lake located in South Azerbaijan ( North of Iran) .
NLFSA Chairman, Professor Gulamrza Tabrizi reported about the environmental disaster, which led to the desiccation of the lake and the migration of millions of people.
According to the director of the Institute of Geography of Azerbaijan Ramiz Mammadov , Lake Urmia is of great importance not only for Azerbaijan and Iran , but also for all of humanity in terms of biodiversity .
The process of drying the lake began in 1998 that led to the creation of salt marshes and the trend is accelerating. If the lake formerly used to have 17 islands, then they are now three times more.
Professor Mohammed Babad from the University of Illinois (USA ) contacted the conference through Skype. He noted that large salt mountains formed around the lake, and the wind picks up salt snowstorms. This means that within a radius of 100 km desertification occurs. This requires the immediate cessation of digging wells around the lake, as well as draining 13 natural rivers to restore the lake.
Learned historian Akram Rahimli touched a political factor of the issue. According to him, the process occurring around the lake is not an internal affair of Iran. Should be encouraged to scientists around the world to intervene.
He recalled that the President of Iran Hasan Rouhani promised during the election to resolve the issue with the lake, but he has still done nothing.
Professor Nasib Nasibli noted with regret that in Northern Azerbaijan the people do not understand the seriousness of the lake Urmia situation.
Suggestions were made to hold an international conference to begin talks with Iran on this topic, to prepare a package of proposals to save the lake, and to explore the financial part of the question. -04D-
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