The appeal in the case of journalist Rasim Aliyev

Baku / 29.08.18 / Turan: The Supreme Court of Azerbaijan, under the chairmanship of Tair Qazymov, considered the cassation complaint of Samir Mustafayev who was found by the Baku Serious Crimes Court guilty of the death of journalist Rasim Aliyev. Samir Mustafayev himself was not brought to court, because he did not ask for it. The court decided to hold a court without him. A lawyer Bakhtiyar Hajiyev, who defends Mustafayev's interests, noted that he supported the appeal and asked the court to justify his client.

"Samir did not participate in the beating of Rasim Aliyev. Even on videotape from the crime scene, presented by the investigation, it is clear that Samir did not beat, but helped Rasim to rise. However, despite this, he was sentenced to nine years imprisonment. I ask you to satisfy the cassation complaint," said the lawyer. Then the floor was given to Tayfura Aliyeva, the mother of the deceased journalist. "As you know, in the incident that ended in the death of Rasim, there is also the role of Samir. The crime was planned in advance. Rasim was beaten because he expressed his attitude to the actions of football player Javid Huseynov. Elshan Ismayilov (convicted by the court and sentenced to 13 years' imprisonment - ed.) gathered people to beat Rasim. On the video, Samir's actions are not clear. I believe that all those guilty were sentenced to a very mild sentence," she said. At that moment, one of the judges interrupted Aliyev's speech, saying that the process was not considering the details of the case, but expressing the attitude to the complaint. Tayfura Aliyeva asked the court to dismiss the complaint. Prosecutor Ramin Alverdiyev also asked not to satisfy the cassation complaint. The judges, having conferred on the spot, rejected the appeal, leaving the verdict against Samir Mammadov in force. It should be reminded that on April 1, 2016, the Baku Serious Crimes Court found Elshan Ismayilov, Arif Aliyev, Jamal Mammadov, Samir Mustafayev and Kyanan Madatov guilty of Rasim Aliyev's death and sentenced them to 13, 12 and a half, 11, 9 and 9 years imprisonment respectively.-0--

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