The court leaves Asif Yusifli in custody

  Baku  Serious Crimes Court presided over by  the judge Zeynal Agayev began the trial  in the case of an activist of the Popular Front Party, Asif Yusifli, and Rafig Huseynov ,former employee of the Ministry of Education.

Member of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan Popular Front Party, invalid of the Karabakh war  Asif Yusifli was arrested on 25  November on charges of fraud (Article 178) and 320 (forgery) of the Criminal Code. Yusifli denies the charges, and says his arrest is politically motivated.

According to  his lawyer Fakhraddin Mehdiyev, during the testimony of the victim Farida Zulfugarova gave testimony. "She confirmed that she has no claims against Asif Yusifli. Material damage was fully compensated, and she took her application back," said the lawyer.

The victim reported that in 2009  she passed 6500 manat Yusifli, who handed the money  to the employees of the Ministry of Education, Rafiq Huseynov. Money has been taken with the aim to organize the study of her on in Ukraine, but Huseynov was unable to resolve the issue.

In 2010, Huseynov was arrested because he did not return the money. Yusifli returned the  woman  AZN 1,500, but then got in an accident, and there was a delay with the remaining amount. Therefore  Zulfguarova complained against  Yusifli.

"The investigation motivated it as fraud, although there is no evidence of fraud,"  said the lawyer, and asked for the termination of criminal proceedings. "Unfortunately, the court rejected the petition. The course of the trial shows that it is  biased," said the lawyer.

The next meeting will be held on July 9. -03B-

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