Turan sues against Ministry for Emeegency Situations

Turan Information Agency will sue against the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES) for not providing a response to a written request for the construction of houses after the flood in 2010.

The letter was sent to the MES on June 20 and according to Article 21.1 of the Law "On Access to Information" the Ministry had to respond to it within seven days.

The agency asked to answer the following questions:

1. How much money has been allocated as a whole (orders of the President and the government) for the construction of houses, social and other facilities?

2. For how many homes and public facilities this amount has been allocated?

3. What amount has been mastered, and howmany houses and other buildings were built?

4. What is the average price per a completed project?

5. How much is the  cost the construction of a two-, three-, four-room houses (the value  of each project)?

According to the estimates of civil society "Kura", which includes Turan agency, approximately 300 million manat for housing rehabilitation in eight districts of the Kura Valley received about, but built no more than 4 thousand houses and social facilities. Thus the average price of a house in an average area of ​​100 square meters is about 75 thousand manats.

MOE hides financial reports  on construction in a flood zone, for whom the homes have ben built, information on cash compensation granted to the victims. Monitoring  conducted by the  headquarters revealed numerous cases on corruption and other abuses by the executive branch.

The interests of the agency in court will  defend Institute of Media Rights. -0 -


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