A search in the publishing house "Qanun" lasted for almost five hours. Police explained it by the information about a bomb threat. The bomb was looked for even in papers and books, said in an interview with Turan and "Voice of America" the director of the publishing house Shahbaz Khuduoglu.
"The search was conducted very carefully: each paper, each book stacks have been viewed. All the books were unpackaged. Everything was searched - manuscripts, photographs, all that they consider suspicious," Khuduoglu said.
Even the premises of other organizations located in the same building were searched. “Semi-finished" - half printed pages, covers, metal plates with prints of printed materials were withdrawn. The police took with them about 300-500 kilo materials. No documents have been shown to enter the building. Police said only that the service 102 Interior Ministry received information about a bomb threat.
"I understand that it is impossible to hide a bomb among the sheets. But apparently among the papers it was something that played the effect of a bomb. The situation must be clarified by the results of the investigation," said Khuduoglu.
Asked whether this could be due to the emergence of an opposition writer Zumrud Yagmur’s book "Country name: 22" (about the life of a certain island, where there is a dictatorship), Khuduoglu said that the book was not published in his publishing house.
In this, case, what are the reasons for the search? Answering this question Khuduoglu said that when he received information about a bomb, he really believed. But when I learned that people in the building are not let out into the street, I realized that the "bomb" is an excuse.
Khuduoglu is not inclined to believe that the reasons are political. At the time, the publishing house "Qanun" was fined 150 thousand manats under the pretext of tax violations. It happened after the presidential elections there have printed posters for the opposition candidate Jamil Hasanli.
"Then it is clear, but now is not a political campaign. Maybe there was something else that the power did not like? I do not know," said Khuduoglu.
Could it be due to business interests? Khuduoglu said he did not exclude it.
The REAL Movement stated that the search is due to the printed flyers by the leader of this organization, Ilgar Mamedov.
Khuduoglu confirmed the seizure of flyers. In his view, the search may be associated with the flyer, as well as wuh the activity of his brothers, activist - Sabir Rustamkhanli (party leader of "Civil Solidarity" and co-chair of the World Azerbaijanis Congress, which conducts a policy an independent from the policy of the Azerbaijani authorities, the other brother - Alovsat Aliyev, the head of the human rights Migration Center, criticized the work of law enforcement, and three years ago he emigrated to Germany.)
Khuduoglu noted that the publishing house "Qanun" will defend their interests within the framework of legal means. "Now we are consulting with lawyers. Two days our publishing house was under police surveillance, entry-exit were prohibited. Our property rights have been violated. We turn to the courts. Unless the decision is in our favor we will go further into the European Court.-03S06--
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