100 x 100 from Azercell

The campaign Gain 100 of the 100 from Azercell will continue next year.

Recall the schedule of the bonuses: in the first invoicing period - 100 MB, in the second - 100 on-net SMS, in the third - 100 on-net MMS, in the fourth - a service Gizletcell, in fifth invoicing period - 100 minutes net calls.

According to the report , the campaign is intended for all new postpaid subscribers , as well as for individuals with a closed line or right clicked on the system with SimSim postpaid system.

Notes: The first bonus is calculated on the balance

- During the current billing, if the date of connection to the campaign to the next invoicing period is 5 days and more

- Next invoicing period, if the date of connection to the campaign to the next invoicing period is less than 5 days.

Rewards can be used during the current invoicing period.

In the case of a bilateral closure of the line, and after the transition to SimSim reconnection campaign is impossible.

To restore the line need to contact customer service centers or offices Azercell Express. - 17D-


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