Accord Receives 12 Million for Construction of Rural Roads

The construction of a rural road Sandahar in the Siyazan region will cost the state budget 12 million 87.8 thousand manats. The executive power of Siyazan signed a contract with one of the largest construction companies in the country - JSC Industrial-Construction Investment Corporation Ac cord. This is stated in the report of the State Procurement Agency.

It is noteworthy that in 2014, by a special decree of Ilham Aliyev, the President of Azerbaijan Reserve Fund in the state budget pre-allocated AZN 3 million for the construction of the road Siyazan - Boyuk Gamya - ​​Sandahar. The road will connect four villages with a population of 28 thousand people.

The contract with Accord was signed in the third quarter of 2015. --08B-

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