Assets of Amrah Bank Decreased by 15.7%

The assets of Amrah Bank in 2016 decreased by 47 million 878.952 thousand manat compared to 2015, or 15.7%, amounting to 256 million 223.844 thousand manat.

During this period the bank's liabilities decreased by 48 million 500 thousand 432 manat or 19.2% to 202 million 844 thousand 781 manat.

During the reporting period, deposits in the bank fell from 155 million 161 thousand 046 to 141 million 384 thousand 546 manat (8.87%).

In 2016, the capital of Amrah Bank in comparison with 2015 grew to 53 million 379 thousand 063 manat (an increase of 621 thousand 480 manat or 1.17%).    -----71D

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