Auditors may get more powers in the fight against corruption

The Chamber of Audit of Azerbaijan will fight against corruption in cooperation with the Ministry of Taxes.

As journalists were told yesterday by its chairman Mr. Novruzov, the partnership will be in the framework of the joint activities of the "National Action Plan to combat corruption for 2012-2015."

Alone, it cannot cope with the law violators. The concept is the development of audit services, which is intended to increase powers of the Chamber, is being prepared. Today auditors have measures of administrative influence - February 11, 2011, amendments were made to the Administrative Code, under which the penalties for evasion of statutory audit for officials is from 300 to 600 manats, and for legal entities it varies from 1.5 thousand to 2.5 thousand manats.

The Chamber and the Ministry of Taxes have cooperated since 2004, in the course of action within the mentioned "National Plan". This cooperation is entering a new phase, Novruzov said. - 17D-


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