Azerbaijan will try to bring standards up to European level

The country's leaders are optimistic about the prospects for compliance with local standards with European standards.

As said at the presentation of long-term Twinning project "Support to the development of modern standardization and technical regulation in Azerbaijan," the head of the State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Patent Ramiz Hasanov, the goal is improvement of local legislation, strengthening the scientific and technological base and creating a unified information system.

According to the head of the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan Malena Mard, the project has received $ 1.2 million, and the resident will be an experienced specialist Richard Witty. Partners in the exchange of experience will be the British Standards Institute, the French Association for Standardization and Metrology and Quality Institute of Slovenia, having a lot of practice implementation of best international standards and practices. The initiator of the project was the development of the Azerbaijani side, because in the EU grant was counting on interest in shifting of official Baku to expand trade opportunities with the European Union. Since the beginning the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan realized 26 similar projects in the amount of 15 million euros, she said.

As Turan said founder of the Center for Economic Research PhD Gubad Ibadoglu, Azerbaijan 15 years gradually modernizing the legal and logistical base in order to expand trade relations with the EU as well as with other stable partners. However, the obstacle is inadequate standardization and customs, as indicated by the different countries and in negotiations to join the World Trade Organization.

Azerbaijan's membership in the WTO is irreversible, but it could take a lot of time, because in the field of customs tariffs, technical regulations, intellectual property, real estate investment and a lot of laws that do not meet international standards, - he said. Investors prefer countries with acceptable investment environment, with freedom of entrepreneurship, with the adjusted forecasting investment policy, Azerbaijan has thus far been limited reports of gradual transformations. For this reason, in the next few years will be big financial investment in the oil sector, and foreign direct investment figures voiced by the government, will not cause the confidence of the international community, until there is a truly competitive environment, he said.

The main condition for institutional economic development of Azerbaijan is also a real diversification of the economy through the adoption of relevant legislation, including an effective Code "On Competition". Observance of fundamental human rights, respect for non-governmental organizations - is also an important condition for full cooperation - says scientist and economist.

European Union is the largest trading partner and investor in Azerbaijan, but the potential of collaboration is not used in full, despite the fact that our country is a significant prospective strategic partner of the European Community, while making a bet on energy projects. In addition, it should be noted the signing of agreements on visa facilitation and readmission agreements (effective this summer) that will facilitate the movement of people and goods between Azerbaijan and the European Union - the expert added.

By the end of 2013 the total turnover of Azerbaijan with the European Union on the background of a decline of oil production amounted to $ 15 billion 276.18 million with a specific weight of 75.4% of exports. Maximum peak turnover was achieved in 2011 - $ 18 billion 923.66 million.

Foundation of relations between Azerbaijan and the EU is the Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, signed April 22, 1996 in Luxembourg and entered into force on 1 July 1999. In June 2004, adopted a decision on the inclusion of AR in the European Neighbourhood Policy (Eastern Partnership program), under which Azerbaijan receives from the EU solid financial and economic support.

The program operates Parliamentary Cooperation Committee between the EU and Azerbaijan, in which both sides are included senior politicians. In the future, under certain political conditions, accession of Azerbaijan to the EU is considered possible. -17D-

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