Azercell - Leader in Social Responsibility

The local mobile operator Azercell Telecom has once again become a leader in response to users' appeals by Facebook.

As stated in the official press release, a 100% rate was also recorded in February, which exceeds the data for all brands of the country. Azercell has repeatedly won the certificate Social Commitment from the international research company Socialbakers for a record performance in the field of online-customer service. To obtain the certificate, the rating of response to users' requests growing from year to year is measured.

Along with a large number of subscribers, Azercell has also been repeatedly recognized as the leader in terms of activity and use of the page by its users.

It should also be noted that according to the monitoring of social networks conducted by Socialbakers, the number of users of the Facebook page of Azercell is one of the first places in the country and is a leader on this indicator among mobile operators. To date, the number of users of the official Facebook page of Azercell has exceeded 400 thousand and this position is improving.

Azercell is also the first mobile operator in the country, which has submitted its official page on the social networks, as well as launched online subscription service. --17D

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