AzFinance Invest Transformed into Joint-stock Company

Brokerage Company AzFinance Invest announced transformation into a closed joint stock company. This is a step towards the formation into an investment company.

According to the adopted by Parliament on May 15, the law "On securities market" is supposed to reformat existing market securities broker and dealer companies in the investment company, the legal form which must be a corporation.

The authorized capital of JSC AzFinance Invest remained the same - 1 million manats. Released were 1,000 shares with par value of 1,000 manats.

The company is currently working on software that allows the entry of the Central Bank of 100,000 investors simultaneously.

JSC AzFinance Invest was established in January 2014 and operates in Gilan Holding Capital Towers. The company notes that it is not part of the holding structure. In turn, the Gilan Holding AzFinance İnvest refers to the partner companies.

From this year AzFinance Invest Consulting is a participant of the program listing of the Baku Stock Exchange (BSE). In May, the turnover of services to the company amounted to more than 5 million. manats. ---08B

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