Baku Transport Agency to Select Carriers on Competitive Basis

LLC Baku Transport Agency (BTA), the state regulator of public transport in Baku, will select regular carriers of passengers on bus and coach transport on a competitive basis in 2017. The criterion is the availability of logistical and production base. This is stated in the message of BTA.

As a result of agency audits, only 17 of the 58 carriers have a logistical and production base. The companies and individuals that do not provide the material and technical base at the required level will be gradually eliminated from the provision of services for passenger traffic.

At present, urban and suburban routes in Baku ply 2,100 buses of various capacities.

In addition, BTA has prepared proposals for the removal of the transport density at the busy hours. It is proposed to change the time of starting work in state bodies. So far this proposal has not been considered. --08D--

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