Cement plant was separated from the corporation Accord

JSC Industrial-Construction Investment Corporation Accord LLC announced the creation of Qazax Cement Plant by separating from it.

In connection with the separation of the cement plant 's authorized capital was reduced by 8 million 751,7 thousand manats. Therefore, 560,102 shares derived from circulation and eliminated. As a result, formed in January 2012, the authorized capital of the Corporation decreased to 75.25 million manat.

Does this fact complete separation put into operation of a cement plant by "Akkord" or is this just another step of its restructuring ? The corporation did not comment on this event Turan .

Construction of a cement plant in the village of Dash Salahli in the Gazakh region began in 2010 . The company was commissioned in July this year. Its design capacity is 3 million tons of cement per year , including 1 million tons - the first stage. The plant construction was invested 225 million manat.

Corporation Accord has been operating since 2005 and it includes more than 20 companies and 39 production plants of various building materials , metal . Basically, the corporation is engaged in construction activities ( civil engineering, infrastructure) within the country , as well as in a number of neighboring countries.

Formal structure of shareholders of JSC Industrial-Construction Investment Corporation Accord consists of two individuals and one company ( LLC VIP Estate). Control over the corporation is carried out by Ashraf Kamil, who also belongs to JSC Synergy Group. The Group operates in the field of ICT, agriculture, construction materials, and hospitality . - 08B-


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