Convenient and close to the house ATM AtaMatik

JSC AtaBank offers all citizens and, above all, social workers, teachers and other public institutions the service of mobile ATM AtaMatik in the city of Baku for convenience settlement cards.

This financial structure, running on a regular basis previously tested in the Gedabay and Shamkir regions project a mobile ATM "AtaMatik", plans to become closer to the people living in the capital - said in a press release.

Service features "AtaMatik" not limited function of the ATM. Citizens can use all kinds of banking services through established in cars AtaMatik hardware and accompanying qualified bank.

JSC AtaBank has been in operation since 1993. Chairman of the Supervisory Board is Ashraf Kamilov, Chairman of the Board is Iltifat Agayev. The paid in capital is 27 million 986.4 thousand manats.

The bank's network consists of 24 branches and offices in Baku and regions of the country. This financial structure provides a full range of services to corporate and private clients.

Persons wishing to learn more about the services and products AtaBank, can visit the banking page - 17D-


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