Going to the people by the Minister of Communications

According to the schedule, the Minister of Communications and Information Technologies Ali Abbasov June 21 will receive citizens in Sheki (for residents of Zagatala, Gakh, Balakan, Oguz, Gabala and Mingyachevir).

The reception will be heard the complaints and suggestions of citizens related to the provision of telecommunications services (including mail and Broadcasting) and information technology, service culture, and so on.

For those who are interested in personal communication with the minister, e-mail address - mincom@mincom.gov.az, phones: short number 1655 and (012) 598 38 18 (calls from regions free).

Those wishing to make an appointment, if necessary, will be provided with transport from the relevant district office mail or telephone exchanges.

It should be noted that during the year are scheduled to meet Ali Abbasov (http://mincom.gov.az/media-ru/novosti/details/1001) with citizens from other parts of the country.

The new practice of "dialogue with the people" came into vogue after the mass protests in February Ismailly area. Thus, at the conference on the results of the fourth year of the "State Program on social-economic development of the Republic of Azerbaijan" (12 February 2013) Head of State recommended that ministers often travel to the regions. The same proposal he announced April 14 at a meeting dedicated to the socio-economic development in the first quarter of this year and the challenges ahead.

The president of the country for some reason believes social problems are not systemic, with only isolated cases of petty tyranny of officials, which he himself had appointed. - 17D-


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