Corporate market showed a negative trend

Indicators of corporate securities (SEC) in Azerbaijan deteriorated. This is stated in the report of the State Securities Committee for the 9 months of 2012.

From the beginning, the market for the SEC declined 2% to $ 896.5 million manat. Transactions entered into in 2730 or 24.5% less.

The report emphasizes the SSC, in the development of negative market dynamics SEC special role played AMF, which has reduced the amount of the bond issue by 50%. Therefore, their initial placement was reduced by 62%, the secondary market - 32%. The overall market debt securities decreased by 37% and it amounted to 500 million manat. It is noteworthy that the amount of initial placement of bonds amounted to only 37.3 million manat, which is 58% less than in January-September 2011.

The share placement in the structure of the stock market segments for the nine months was in 2012 84.5% (335.7 million manat) compared to 67% (81.3 million manat) for the same period of 2011.

The volume of the primary market increased compared with the same period last year by 4.2 times. Note that this year the government of AzerEnerji floated shares worth 200 million manat. OTC stock market (42.8 million manat) increased by 68% and the stock market (8.8 million manat) - 41%. - 08D-


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