Davutoglu: Azerbaijani gas to be exported to Turkey via TANAP earlier than 2018

Turkey and Azerbaijan will accelerate construction of the Trans Anadolu (TANAP) gas pipeline, Ahmat Davutoglu, Turkish Premier, said at a joint press conference with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in Baku on Thursday.

He said Azerbaijani gas will be exported to Turkey via TANAP earlier than 2018.

“Today, Turkey and Azerbaijan implement important energy projects, and TANAP is one of them,” Davutoglu said.

TANAP will help Turkey increasing Azerbaijani gas purchase by 6 billion cub.m. a year and will also let Baku exporting 10 billion cub.m. of gas a year to Europe. Gas will be exported to Europe via the trans Adriatic gas pipeline (TAP) connected to TANAP. Gas will be delivered from the Azerbaijani Shah Deniz field.

* According to the schedule of the Shah Deniz Phase 2 project implementation, first gas is expected to be extracted in the first half of 2018 and gas export to Turkey is expected to begin in quarter 4, 2015.—0—

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