Demir Bank Introduces Commission for Replenishment of Currency Accounts with AZN

From now on, customers of Demir Bank, having foreign currency accounts, will have to pay a commission for funding their accounts with AZN.

Information about the amount of the commission fee can be obtained by calling the bank’s Interactive Center of Communications - 149.

In the comments for Turan with respect to the specific percentage of the fee, a functionary of the bank said it will be about 1% and changed every day.

‘The decision on the specific percentage of the commission will be taken on a daily basis by the Treasury of the bank,’ the functionary said.

Note that some other banks have also taken a similar decision. However, unlike Demir Bank, these banks have established a specific commission percentage, which, depending on the decision of each bank, is 3-4% of the amount.     ----76D

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