For the first time in the region SafeWatch Profiling system will be applied in the work of PASHA Bank

Introduction of SafeWatch Profiling (component solutions Anti-Money Laundering Solutions), for the first time in the region is expected to be the work of one of the largest banks in Azerbaijan - PASHA Bank. The system is designed to solve analytical problems related to anti-money-laundering operations, including creating customer profiles, monitoring customer transactions and obtaining statements, setting the parameter. This modular solution that supports the ability to integrate with a variety of banking applications will help in the collection of all the data in one registry, which allows for a comprehensive analysis of all possible risks.

According to the Head of Department Compliance PASHA Bank Anar Karimov, at the end of last year, PASHA Bank held meetings with representatives of the developer of the system - the company EastNets, then their distributors in the CIS - the company ProFIX. "Relevant agreement to acquire licenses and system integration SafeWatch Profiling between the parties was signed on 27 December. Integration and commissioning of the system in the PASHA Bank is tentatively expected before the end of the first half of 2013," said A. Karimov.

Recall that in late 2011, PASHA Bank was the first bank in Azerbaijan that implemented the international and national legislation in the sphere of combating money laundering by the modern complex solutions SafeWatch Filtering. The different modules of the program in online mode to filter data, transactions and files containing data that match the records of international "black list" - FATF / GAFI, EU, UN, OFAC, etc.

PASHA Bank is a leading corporate bank in Azerbaijan. Founded in 2007, the Bank provides a wide range of corporate banking services, including credit, market operations of the securities, asset management and treasury services. In PASHA Bank presented by the head office and four branch offices 207 people work. As part of "Europe Banking Awards 2011" it was declared the "Best Investment Bank of Azerbaijan."

PASHA Bank is part of the Group PASHA - a major investment holding company in Azerbaijan, which is widespread in sectors such as insurance, construction, building materials, tourism and other business areas. Capital Bank, one of the largest banks in the retail market of Azerbaijan, also belongs to the group of companies PASHA. - 15D -


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