Four insurance market positions provided two-thirds of all revenues

BAKU/17.01.14/TURAN : In 2013, mandatory liability insurance of vehicle owners to third parties (the new CTP ) has become the undisputed leader in the premium on the insurance market of Azerbaijan - on it collected 69 million 211.43 thousand manats, which is 3.78 million more than the voluntary health insurance (VHI ) and 12.35 million more than voluntary auto insurance (Hull). On the background of the activity of hundreds of traffic police and insurance agents 12 major insurers , this process was predicted before the start of the financial year.

In general, the insurance market of Azerbaijan (28 companies , excluding reinsurance structures) for January - December totaled 405 million 672.51 thousand manats. Growth per year (up to December 1, 2011 collected 342.52 million manat) was 15.6 %.

Furthermore, this means that the amount of premiums per capita of 43.1 manat ( slightly less than $ 55). Compared to last year there is a growing 15 % is important indicator of " insurance consciousness."

If in previous years premium growth was achieved largely at the expense of vehicle insurance and voluntary health insurance , this year they were surpassed by CTP and the aggregate ( without breakdown ) life insurance. Thus, according to VHI was collected 65.43 million manat, Hull insurance - 56.86 million ( almost a copy of last year).

Life insurance, including risks associated with the diseases and accidents at work ( 24.89 million ) brought 68.78 million manat. By the way, 4 mentioned position provided the insurance market , 64.1 % of total revenues.

The main part of the insurance premiums accounted for voluntary insurance - 270.97 million manat. Insurance against accidents received in aggregate 10.89 million manat, insurance aircraft - 11.48 million manat . Voluntary insurance of civil liability of aircraft owners fees totaled 4.01 million manat, cargo insurance - 15.75 million manat, insurance ships - 1.34 million manat.

Voluntary insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners received 2.03 million manat, property insurance against fire - 47.72 million manat, on other types of voluntary insurance - 1.01 million ( most of the cases of fraud by employees).

Insurance for foreign travel is collected in aggregate 1.85 million manat, crop insurance and farm animals - 1 million manats. Collected as voluntary premium for items such as general liability insurance - 5.3 million manat, employer's liability - 1.46 million manat, professional liability - 589.27 thousand manats.

Compulsory insurance collected 134.71 million manat - 7 million more than in the last year . Of them on compulsory insurance of servicemen collected 17.06 million manat, compulsory insurance of employees of the court and law enforcement - 9.69 million ( almost double growth for the year ) .

On compulsory insurance of property was received 13.28 million manat, on compulsory insurance of liability of owners of property - 372.79 thousand manats, and on compulsory insurance of passengers - 84.01 thousand manats.

Paid for all cases was 122.8 million manat. Leadership, as usual , was in the social sphere - VHI compensated 46.16 million manat . It was followed by Hull - 27.96 million and CTP - 26.9 million manat . Other positions were far behind . - 17D-


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