Head of State Committee Acknowledges Increase in Gasoline Prices

On January 1, 2014 the transition to the fuel standard "Euro -3" is likely to raise the price of gasoline. On Wednesday, Ramiz Hasanov, head of the State Committee for Standardization and Metrology told journalists of the impending price hike.

According to him, preparation for the transition to the "Euro-3" will be implemented in conjunction with all necessary state agencies and the transition will take place on January 1. As for the gasoline standards "Euro-4" and "Euro-5", their application requires additional time.

Referring to the price of "Euro-3," Hasanov said that the price change would be "insignificant."

"Environmental health is most important," said Hasanov, adding that given the huge number of cars in Baku, the transition to the new standard of gasoline becomes vital.

Note that unofficial sources said that gasoline prices were likely to increase by 10-20 %. Currently, a litre of the most popular gasoline No 93 is 55 gyapik (0.70 $). -05B-


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