Industrial Production Shows Minus

For five months Azerbaijan produced industrial output of 12.1 billion AZN, which is 0.3% less in comparable prices than in the comparable period of 2015, the State Statistics Committee said.

During the mentioned period, the production of oil in real terms decreased by 0.7%, natural gas – by 9.9%, electricity – by 6.8%, as well as some of the processing industry products.

During the reporting period the share of the mining industry in the structure of industrial production amounted to 64.5%, the manufacturing sector - 28.6%, the production, distribution and supply of electricity, gas and steam - 6.1%, etc.

According to the SSC estimates, for January - May the production of leather footwear decreased by 73.6%, paper and cardboard - 6%, printing products - 7.5%, chemical products - 18.8%, rubber and plastic products - 22.6 %, iron and steel products - 9.4%, furniture - 8.3%, etc.

The government says the economy, including industrial production, is diversified in Azerbaijan. However, the same official statistics do not confirm these thoughts.   ----08D

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