Insurance Company A-GROUP until October Suffered Loss of 600,000 Manats

The insurance company A-GROUP paid in January- September this year to customers of all cases of voluntary insurance of 4 million 829.43 thousand manats, which is almost 780 thousand manats more than last year. In 2011, the figure was 3 million 740.65 thousand manats.

This is actually the only loss-making structure in which the premium payments exceed a difference of 600 thousand manats. The reason for the forced deficits is that traditional premiums for voluntary health insurance (VHI) are distributed between the bureaucratic structures. The company's management is not responding to conflict and does not comment on it, assuming that all by itself is formed.

Property insurance against fire and other risks paid 5.45 thsd manat, and owners of vehicles - 528.36 thousand manats.

In this case, the payment made ??by VHI was 88.3% of all voluntary payments or 4 million 262.15 thousand manats. On compulsory insurance claims payments were not made.

Premiums for the last three quarters in the aggregate amounted to 4 million 231.18 thousand manats, AZN 2.9 million more than in the same period last year. Of these, almost all of the income, with the exception of 352 manat was contribution to voluntary activities. Previously, the ratio was more balanced now to maintain parity must be a member of the Bureau of Compulsory Insurance.

Awards of A-GROUP for voluntary health insurance totaled 3 million 076.41 thousand manat, accident insurance had 9.46 thsd manat, and travel insurance - 36.56 thsd manat.

Car Insurance (Hull) brought the company from January to October last year, 863.01 thsd manat (almost 2 times less than in the previous year) , 211.3 thousand manats was allocated by property insurance against fire and other risks , 14 23 thsd AZN - by cargo insurance . Foreign travel insurance gave the company 36.56 thsd manat.

Liability insurance generally brought the company 51.3 thsd manat.

For all positions of compulsory insurance company in January -September received together 352 manat.

The company started in the insurance business in 1995.

The founders are three individuals, including the main shareholder - the candidate of medical sciences, president of Medi Club Sabir Adnayev.

Paid-up share capital of A-Group is 5 million 400.2 thousand manats. -17D-


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