International Telecommunication Union Gives Azerbaijan 67th Place on ICT Development

Within the Index of Information and Communication Technologies International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Azerbaijan took the 67th place among 193 countries.

According to the authors of the report "Measuring the Information Society 2015" in the framework of the UN, it is 3 points better than two years earlier. The aggregate index of ICT development in Azerbaijan amounted to 5.79.

The average cost of ICT services across the country leaves much to be desired - the 60th place among 170 countries (1.4% of GDP per capita). It includes the average price of services in fixed telephony, mobile communications and broadband Internet access. Recall rates in the past year without access to broadband Internet were at 0.5%.

In Azerbaijan, fixed telephony is used by 18.87% of subscribers and mobile telephony – by 110.9%. Computers are available for 51.7% of households. The level of Internet penetration in a hospital is 54.6%, and together with mobile communication it is 61%.

Fixed broadband Internet is used by 20% and its mobile analogue – by 47%. --- 17D-

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