Internet Services in Azerbaijan Comparable to Developing Countries

Optimal Speed ??of traffic over the Internet in Azerbaijan last week again increased - from 3.70 to 3.71 Mbit / s, however, lost two positions - 111 in the world. Nearest neighbors in the table are the Bahamas (line above) and Laos (line below). Morocco, Ecuador and Angola are also located nearby.

As the official portal of the company Ookla (,110/Azerbaijan), this is due to the fact that the speed of the Internet in the neighboring territories "went to White Castle" through the introduction of modern mass technology. For comparison, in Russia (31st position) the average is 16.54, in Georgia - 13.1 (41-position), Armenia (76th position) - 6.17 Mb / s. According to the index as a local Internet site described is far from 54 products.

Local providers continue to change leadership positions, compared to technical capabilities, with the center of the capital ratio, in which the largest number of users is unchanged - 3.64 Mb / s.

On the periphery of Baku the speed is 2.80 Mbit / s, in Masazir - 2.86, in Sumgayit - 2.56-2.95 Mbit / s. Among the areas on the map, you can find Jalilabad - 2.47 Mb / s. About two months ago, analysts used the data of Sheki and Geychay districts, now these points on a map of virtual services do not.

Chosen for the experiment were 299,417 unique IP-addresses. The study is based on the statistics of 20 local Internet service providers and telecom operators, mainly in Baku.

In the first place is AZERTELECOM - 5.65 Mbit / s. On the following "bonus" of places marked Azercell Telecom LLC and Az.StarNet LLC, which, respectively, 5.19 and 4.83 Mbit / s. All three "winner" increased their capabilities. TransEuroCom LLC from 2.39 Mbit / s closes twenty. This is the first time that an outsider market comes close to the 2.4-Mbit x mark.

Company Eurosel LLC, which has long equaled local providers, was behind the leaders and in the fourth place. As Turan was told in its leadership, the reason is to attract users through the use of pre-emptive competitive cheap asymmetric ADSL, while competitors have started to offer fiber-optic communications.

Among mobile operators impressionable increase input traffic Azercell Telecom LLC with the dialed first 5.19 Mbit / s and the overall 2nd place (moving up to the position of the week.)

The rating for the outgoing traffic (the best - 1.31 Mb / s and 121 in the world) are also presented statistics 20 local Internet service providers and telecom operators. In their networks during the trial period the maximum speed of outgoing traffic was fixed at 4.06 Mbit / s (network AZERTELECOM), and the minimum rate - 0.45 Mb / s (Azerbaijan Data Network). - 17D-


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