Labor relations in Azerbaijan will be advantageous for employees

BAKU/28.02.14/Turan Now labor relations in Azerbaijan will gain force from the moment an individual contract with an employee of the employer , and the employer after receipt of the notice ( within 1 business day ) of the registration of the contract in the electronic system of Ministry of Labor .

Entering from 1 July changes to the Labour Code AR ( Presidential Decree of February 3 ) suggest a number of innovations. Within legal education offer our readers are practical legislative innovations that will become mandatory after the Cabinet approved the form of documents , as well as rules for filling , recording and reporting .

From now on, when an employment contract should not only enter name, address, series , number, place and time of issuing identity cards, but also the Pin code of this document. If an employer - a legal entity in the contract , except for the name and legal address, fits individual taxpayer identification number and record number of compulsory social insurance ( both your own and the employee ) . Individual, in addition to the individual tax payer account number cards compulsory social insurance and indicates their employee's passport data with Pin code.

The contract should clearly state: the position and function of the employee , the date of conclusion of the contract and the beginning of cooperation , the term of the agreement , as well as the mutual obligations of the parties . Must be clearly marked conditions of work organization - work schedule, holidays , wages and allowances (fines) to it , and other conditions of social insurance , social security benefits , including the opportunity for physical rehabilitation ( physical education and sports, sports tourism , etc. . ) .

Furthermore, we must note the status of the place of work (regular or part-time) and important , in the opinion of the parties, additions to the contract . Recording of movements in the position of the employee ( including an increase or decrease in salary , career growth , dismissal ) will be carried out in a mode online.

Conclusion electronic individual labor contract with the notification of the Ministry of Labour is mandatory for all employers , regardless of the legal form of activity and type of property . Violators of the State Service of the Labour Inspectorate of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection will apply a fine ranging from 7 to 10 thousand manats. At relapse, and large-scale evasion may follow a sentence of imprisonment of up to three years.

According to the State Statistics Committee, as of 1 January of this year in Azerbaijan 4,757,800 economically active citizens , among them in various spheres of economy employed 4,521,200 people.

According to the State Social Protection Fund on January 1, 2014 , the individual accounts of compulsory social insurance has 2,691,357 people in the total population of the country 9,477,100 people. - 17D-

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