Life Insurance Brought Nearly a Fifth of Premiums in the Local Market

In January-May cumulative insurance was inveterate leader ahead of life insurance (compulsory insurance against diseases and accidents at work). However, in June whether employers became more active, whether the Labor Inspectorate, together with the tax authorities tried, the situation changed - at the end of the first half of the year they collected 16.57 million, at the second - 17.62 million manat. In general, life insurance, including unpopular insurance of incurable diseases (signed contracts for 110.08 thsd) there was collected 36.56 million manat. This is almost one-fifth (18.5%) of all the local insurance market premiums collected on contracts until July 1 - 198.02 million manat. Year growth was approximately 28.6 million or 16.9%.

In absolute terms leading voluntary health insurance (VHI), against the background of cooperation with the state oil company, Pasha Sigorta became the undisputed leader. On it collected 40.46 million manat. For voluntary insurance (CASCO) received 26.53 million vehicles, mandatory liability insurance of vehicle owners to third parties (the new CTP) - 32.41 million manat with the best growth rates for property insurance against fire - 17.8 million manat, cargo insurance - 7.33 million manat, insurance of aircraft - 4.66 million.

The bulk of insurance premiums fell to voluntary insurance - 129.52 million manat. Without taking into account the aforementioned positions, insurance against accidents received 4.56 million manat, voluntary insurance of civil liability of owners of aircraft charges amounted to 1.65 million manat, insurance of ships - 888130 manats.

Voluntary insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners received 1.11 million manat, foreign travel insurance - 754,550 manat for crop insurance - 297,000, according to a pet - 135260, on other types of voluntary insurance - 690,510 manat (most of the cases on employee fraud).

Collected as voluntary premium for items such as general liability insurance was 2.13 million manat, employer's liability was 742,520 manat, and professional liability was 506,860 manat.

For compulsory insurance there was collected 68.51 million manat, leading to an increase of 19 million in just one month. Of them (except for the said new CTP) for compulsory military insurance collected 7.38 million manat on compulsory state insurance court officials and law enforcement - 4.19 million manat.

On compulsory insurance of property received 6.6 million manat on compulsory insurance of liability of owners of property - 177720 manat, insurance of passengers brought 68230 manats (in the first quarter the graph was not filled). - 17D-



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