Ministry of Finance Raises AZN 380 Million

The Ministry of Finance has raised 380 million 58.7 thousand manat in the finance market this year. On the auction held on the stock exchange 173 transactions were concluded on placement of T-bills, according to BSE.

T-bills are issued for a period of 91, 182 and 364 days. They are sold at a discount price. In connection with the devaluation of the manat the Finance Ministry places them at a fairly high rate of not less than 15% per annum.

The secondary market of T-bills is also active. This year, its volume increased by 7 times and was 144.1 million manat asm of December 1.

This year the Central Bank returned to the stock market. CBA posted notes in the amount of over 160 million manat.   ------08D

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